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There are 461 records that matched your search criteria (sorted by : Date ASC order)
Date Title Category
22-May-2012 Indonesia revises moratorium map; makes contested orangutan forest off-limits
Indonesia is making "encouraging" progress on its push to reduce deforestation by improving governance over its...
25-May-2012 Govt releases new forest moratorium map
The Forestry Ministry released on Thursday its latest “Indicative Moratorium Map” of 65,282,006 hectares of...
27-May-2012 Pushing forward to better land use
May and June are shaping up to show if Indonesia has achieved significant progress in promoting better...
29-May-2012 Palm oil giant making good on forest commitment in Indonesia, finds independent analysis
Palm oil giant PT SMART appears to be honoring its commitment to avoid conversion of high carbon forests in...
05-Jun-2012 Palm oil giant moves forward on zero deforestation initiative
06-Jun-2012 Indonesia Pushes for Sustainable Development in Mining, Palm and Forestry Sectors
Indonesia’s mining, plantation and forestry sectors said they were committed to implementing sustainable...
28-Jun-2012 Gambut Tinggal 20 Juta Hektar
Workshop on Enhancing Sustainability of Forest Plantations on Peatlands
07-Sep-2012 Govt must deal with severe effects of global warming
Officials and scientists have warned that if the government does nothing to fight global warming, some 2,000 of...
17-Sep-2012 Deforestation is slowing down
The Forestry Ministry claimed that its effort to stop deforestation has been sucessful. Forestry...
01-Oct-2012 lakukan Pengelolaan lahan Gambut Berbasis Masyarakat, Desa Harapan Jaya Dikunjungi Uni Eropa
01-Oct-2012 SAnksi Pembakaran Lahan Saat Masa Tanam di Desa Harapan Jaya
Satu Pohon Sawit Didenda Rp 300 Ribu
02-Oct-2012 Perwakilan Uni Eropa Kunjungi Desa Harapan Jaya
Desa Harapan Jaya, Kecamatan Tempuling, Kabupaten Inhil mendapat kunjungan dari perwakilan Uni Eropa, Sabtu...
04-Oct-2012 Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut di Harapan Jaya
Penjelasan di Inhil, 29 September 2012.
05-Oct-2012 Lahan dan Hutan Gambut Harus Dijaga Kelestariannya
A short news segment from Riau, Indonesia.
09-Oct-2012 Governor: Protect Tripa Peat Swamp
Aceh Governor Zaini Abdullah requested to the newly inaugurated Regent and Vice-Regent of Nagan Raya to protect...
22-Nov-2012 New interactive software will help measure carbon in Indonesia’s peatlands
The governments of Indonesia and Germany have joined together to produce a set of guidelines and interactive...
23-Nov-2012 Indonesia Presents its REDD+ Forest Governance Progress
During an international forest governance session last month in Republic of the Congo, Indonesia highlighted its...
05-Dec-2012 Indonesia approves landmark forest protection project
* First REDD forest carbon project approved in Indonesia * Investors including Gazprom to earn...
01-Feb-2013 Indonesian Peat Emissions a ‘Global Disaster’
Thousands of years’ worth of carbon stored in Indonesia’s peat forests is being released at an alarming rate as...
01-Mar-2013 German Professor Shows Interest on Researching Peatland in Ciamis
“Prof. Hans from Germany stated his plan to visit the Peatland area in Ciamis, West Java, we just recently found...

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